----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stephen Moore"
Subject: LX: Long exposures on auto

> A question for the LXers:
> What's the longest (ballpark figure) successful exposure
> you've made using the LX's automatic, direct-metering mode?

The longest I have managed succesfully was around 10 minutes.
I haven't had the need to go longer than that with 35mm anyway.
The LX meter is prone to underexposure at long times and high ISO
speeds though.
I think it must be something to do with the sensitivity of the
Reciprocity is over rated. Set the exposure compensation to +1 stop
or so.
Some experimantation is required to pin it down perfectly, as some
films respond better than others to longish exposure times.
The nice thing is that the degree of failure is generally consistent,
so once you have a film pinned down for an expossure range, it is

William Robb

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