If the Epson 2450 is still available, go for that.It does negs,35mm 6x6 to 6x9 and 
am not infront of 
mine,but i think the glass will take an 81/2 x 11,or at least close to it.The light 
in the lid is 
narrower,about 6" i think,wide.

Its a pretty good unit.


                                > With my new Mac, I now need a USB scanner, 
instead of my trusty Microtek
> Serial Port scanner.
> It's a shame to have to replace a perfectly good scanner, but. . .
> I was considering an Epson Perfection 3170. Any chance anyone here has one?
> Or, glowing words on some other flat bed scanner that will take 8 1/12 x
> 11" plus also scan negatives and prints?
> Take-home price limit about US$200.
> Thanks,
> keith whaley


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