so you got an exemplar that was produced on monday-morning ... mine was
fine, too


----original message----------

From: Shel Belinkoff
  a.. Subject: Re: those 150s
  b.. Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 07:29:29 -0800

I'd disagree ... terrible distortion and the long and short
ends, soft at the extremes as well.  It's really more like a
90mm ~ 135mm or so, as far as I'm concerned.

Frantisek Vlcek wrote:
> Hi!
> I think a nice alternative to the 150/3.5 or the longer 85-205 zooms
> is the M 75-150/4. I had this lens, used it extensively, and it's an
> excellent performer even wide open, as good as primes. And it's small.
> Only drawback is the push-pull zoom, which is worse for tripod use
> when it can slip.
> Frantisek

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