Bruce and others:

Thanks for the kind comments.

It's really pretty simple to set this shot up. I just metered off the rocks
in the middle and set the exposure at f8 1/750 on manual mode to keep each
image the same. This is ½ stop under. I then turned the camera vertical so
that two rows from top to bottom would cover what I wanted. I then put the
camera on the tripod so I could get good allignment as I panned. One of the
keys to good stitching is plenty of overlap so I took 5 shots across, then
moved down with plenty of overlap and took 5 more.

The software that I use the most is ArcSoft's Panorama Maker 3.0  It will do
a maximum of 4x4 tile. Since this needed 5x2 tile, I needed to stitch 2x3
and 2x2 first, then stitch those together. PT Assembler will make much
bigger tiles so I guess I'm going to try that next. It seemed to work OK on
this image though.

Larry from Prescott

P.S. It's a looong way down from the edge, I'm guessing 800-900'. There was
a young couple there and the girl would not get any closer than 50' from the
edge. It is scary. If you fell or jumped you could hit the water, it's that
steep. The weather was perfect at 75° F and no wind.

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