Thanks David. This patch of snowdrops is only about a square foot at the edge of one of my gardens. But every spring I watch it carefully for the first bloom. It's always a few days ahead of the crocuses and a week or two ahead of the daffodils. To me, spring is very important. I think it's a metaphor for hope. No matter how bad things are, they will someday be better.
On Mar 14, 2004, at 5:16 PM, David Madsen wrote:

That is good sharpness, and a nice photo. I look forward to the blossoms.

David Madsen

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 10:09 AM
Subject: PAW: Snowdrop

My Snowdrops are trying to bloom, but it's quite cold today. Here's a shot with the Vivitar Series 1 90/2.5 macro on *ist-D. It's at 1:2. I placed a detail crop here. The reflection in the drop of water is kind of cool. The *ist-D's sharpness and detail are quite good I think for a handheld macro shot.

Both are f8 @ 1/90. I'll shoot these off a mini tripod when the
blossoms open. It needs f22.

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