N (from f/N) is correct. The diffraction effect (having already stipulated
visible light) in a camera or telescope is (essentially) completely defined
by the stop if the measure of acceptance is related to a fixed distance on
the film. (0.03mm or x lines per mm - whatever).

A Democracy is three wolves and two sheep voting on dinner.
A Republic is three hundred wolves and two hundred sheep
    voting for three wolves and two sheep to prepare the menu.
A Constitutional Republic is a republic wherein it has been agreed
    before hand that lamb is not on the menu.
Then the Supreme Court rules, five wolves to four sheep,
    that mutton is not lamb!

From: "graywolf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> This seems like a good place to ask a question of you mathematically
> folks out there.
> In the well known internet lens tutorial
> http://www.photo.net/learn/optics/lensTutorial
> In the part about diffraction he uses N to derive his answer. To me it
> that it should be D. However, since I have not seen any indication that
> has challenged it over the years, I am willing to accept that I may be
> But I would like an explaination of why. Can any of you do that for me.

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