Uh, Doh. I meant to say if it's too slow, open up the stop. Then repeat your meter reading and shoot. In any case, the *ist-D meter works very well in multi segment, center weighted, and spot. it's a perrfectly adequate exposure tool.
On Mar 14, 2004, at 8:29 PM, Paul Stenquist wrote:

The change in shutter speed reflects the meter reading. If it's too slow, stop down. Then repeat your meter reading and shoot.
On Mar 14, 2004, at 8:05 PM, Kevin Waterson wrote:

John Forbes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> issued this cry:

Just press the little green button.

I press the little green button , when in M mode, and it changes the the shutter speed. Is the meter supposed to be active?

Kind regards

-- ______ (_____ \ _____) ) ____ ____ ____ ____ | ____/ / _ ) / _ | / ___) / _ ) | | ( (/ / ( ( | |( (___ ( (/ / |_| \____) \_||_| \____) \____) Kevin Waterson Port Macquarie, Australia

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