
Chris Stoddart wrote:
> As any fule no, the very best motorcycle racing film of all time is "No
> Limit" :-)

Absolutely agreed - watching some of the stunt riding in that still
makes me wince.  Unfortunately, all the villains are riding Velocettes
and, as any real fule kno, only saintly persons of magnificent visage
ride Velocettes.  Ahem.

> And here's a relevant link (taken with a Pentax LX of course).
> http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~chris/shuttle.html

More a homage than a replica, I think.  The difference between a
big-port AJS and a unit construction BSA is not only a matter of about
30 years.  Still, a very brave person, to take that on the roads.....


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