I think that there is now at least some evidence that Pentax listens to this list and probably to others as well,
Witness the 1.1 software upgrade, which made K/M lenses useful. If they do they will think twice about
abandoning the aperture ring. Full frame sensors on dslrs? Well that depends on how inexpensive they become
as components. Other manufactures are willing to step in to support a constituency which is something Leica is
finding out.

Christian Skofteland wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

How is the DA 14/2.8 a dead end?

It doesn't provide full frame coverage, it has no aperture ring, it's good


for one digital camera, hopefully won't work properly on the next (if we


blessed). >

Careful, if you hold your breath too long you may turn blue and pass out... ;-)

My prediction for the future of Pentax DSLRs: No  24x36 sensors and no
aperture rings.  As a matter of fact, if Pentax releases more 35mm SLRs they
won't need aperture rings either. And I'd put money on no new lenses having
aperture rings as well. (they may still produce and sell older lenses with
the rings, but no new designs will have them).  Pentax is SHOWING us the
future.  We can bury our heads in the sand and ignore it or we can open our
eyes, accept it and move on.  I'm holding my breath for another DSLR with
the same basic features but higher pixel count and (maybe) some kind of
in-the-body-IS.   I'm not deluding myself into believing that Pentax will
develop a line like Canon or even Nikon are and I'm certainly not thinking,
hoping, wanting a DSLR (or film body) with complete backwards compatibility
to M and K lenses.  It would be futile.

My US$1.00


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