At 13:05 2004.03.28 -0500, you wrote:
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 12:36:19 -0500 (EST)
From: "D. Glenn Arthur Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What's a reasonable price range in the US for a portrait sitting ("on location"; I don't have a studio set up). I'm about to go STFW, but figured I'd ask here at the same time. I know there are too many variables to just ask "what should I charge", but I'm looking for enough of a clue that I won't be asking something completely outrageous, nor selling myself short and seriously undercutting the market.

-- Glenn

$50 to $75 for the sitting + any extensive travel expenses. Don't forget that you may be carrying a lot of equipment and the expenditure of time & energy is greater. Plus, if you don't shoot for a living, your personal time is being sold. Make it worth your while.

And have fun.


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