Well, I would say digital is a seller's wet dream come ture. Let's say you had bought a new Linhof Super Technica IV in 1959-60 or so. Now, would you ever have had a real reason to buy another one unless you used it so much you actually wore it out?

Whereas, like your computer, next year your digital is obsolete, and in five years it will be pretty mech an unusable piece of junk, if you want to use current assesories and techniques.

As I have mentioned before, I used to do a lot of event photography. If that is your thing then you can almost not afford not to go digital. However, strange as it may be, 80+% of the folks on this list seem to be landscape/nature photographers. Why in the world would you even want a digital camera? In fact, why would you use 35mm?

I remember, not all that long ago, arguing the advantages of digital to all the unbelievers here on the list. Now, they are "BELIVERS"! Seemingly not a rational thought between the bunch of them.

My predictions: With the upcoming improvement in the economy there will be a resurgence of film use. Many of you will become disenamored with digital. Oh yes, digital is here to stay, but it is not the end-all and be-all of photography. Remember, the management of most of these comapanies abandoning film in droves, are only a few years out of college, and anything their dad's used is old fashioned and ought to be gotten rid of. In this case, I do believe the companies that chose to hang in there will find they did the right thing in the short term (through the next economic cycle).

So save this post, and tell me how I did, in 5 years (top of the economic cycle).


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