I have been changing my photo kit since the arrival of
the *istD, and thinking about how I might continue in
I have always wanted to own a view camera to take a
few Large Format B&Ws and there was this 5x7 on eBay
and only £90, well one or two bids and it was mine. It
arrived a few days later, and, as I unpacked it along
with all the old film and dark-slides a small label
fell out which read; 
"LOUIS KLEMANTASKI F.I.I.P.  F.R.P.S."   Well the web
makes initial reseach quick and easy so I typed his
name into Google.... A wealth of information followed.
    Pause here, do not do what I did, but ask yourself
who was he?   
  Don't know.. Well he seems to have been one of the
foremost photographers of Motorsport in the 20th C.
beginning his career in the 1930s and retiring in
around '75. he also photographed many figures in the
arts in the post war years including Stravinsky and
Margot Fonteyn. Did this camera belong to him? I
emailed the seller and, yes, he knew the camera
belonged to "Klem" but had not bothered to find out
about him.
So curiosity being roused, it has cost me quite a bit
more to obtain a copy of his auto-biography (huge book
full of anecdotes, history and pictures) but this
reveals a fascinating life and I haven't yet reached
as far as the end of the 1930s..... All I feel is Wow,
to own something that has been part of such a rich
history. My friend, who deals in antiques, could not
believe that the seller would not bother to mention
the provenance in the hope of making more money....
Oh, and the camera, it's a Dutch made Monorail, all
working, a full range of movements, could do with a
bit of new felt around the back, otherwise ready to
go.. Don't think I'll be carrying it toooooo far from
the car though...
Happy Wednesday from sunny Devon, Tom.

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