Antonio Aparicio wrote:

Yes. I am English and english is my first language. Born and bred in good old London, UK. As you can see in the dictionary the main meaning of sub-standard is below an established or required standard.


On 19 May 2004, at 15:45, Henri Toivonen wrote:

Antonio Aparicio wrote:

Hi Henri, not sure if english is your first language. Substandar basically means poor quality. I think the term you are confusing it with is non-standard, which of course is not the case as you have pointed out. Windows is indeed the current "standard" OS for computing in many areas.


Hello Antonio, english is not my first language.
But take a look at this, from my dictionary (Collins English Dictionary):

Substandard - adj. - 1. Below an established or required standard, 2. another word for nonstandard.

Is english your first language then?


Umm, now I don't get it. First you say that substandard doesn't mean below a standard, but infact it means just "poor quality". And should not be confused with "non-standard".
And this time, you say that it was what you were saying all along. Is it just me or did you just change opinion?

Lets recap:

Antonio Aparicio wrote:
Its amazing that a company with so so so much money at its disposal continues to put out such shoddy substandard products.
Henri Toivonen wrote:
Substandard? Maybe that's the wrong word for it. Windows IS the standard for operating systems.
Antonio Aparicio wrote:
Substandar basically means poor quality. I think the term you are confusing it with is non-standard, which of course is not the case as you have pointed out.
Henri Toivonen wrote:
Substandard - adj. - 1. Below an established or required standard, 2. another word for nonstandard.
Antonio Aparicio wrote:
As you can see in the dictionary the main meaning of sub-standard is below an established or required standard.

To me, this looks like you're trying to save face just because you were wrong and got beat in english by a foreigner that doesn't have english as his first language.


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