Okay, so you all want fridge pictures.  For some reason I actually
have an assortment of these:

This is my beer fridge from right after I added two taps to it:

It now has two more and a drip tray.

This is what it looks like when open:

It can hold 4 soda kegs, a CO2 canister, and about 30 12oz bottles of
beer and a smaller number of 22oz bottles.  I brew my own beer (and
ginger beer soda) and that is what fills the kegs.

In this picture of my brewing you can see the outside of my
normal fridge on the right:


That brewing session made a wonderful porter.  I think I'll have
some when I get home.


Recently a friend asked me to take pictures of his fridge and condo.
He took the time to turn his loft into a collection of homemade art
(mostly using found objects from the kitchen) and puzzles.  Ignore the
terrible white balance, I took these snapshots for him the day before
leaving on a trip and never went back through to correct it (I do have
the images in RAW).  I strongly doubt that these pictures are what
anyone had in mind when asking for fridge pictures...



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