--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >                                         
> Some may remember i had a problem in my darkroom
> with a greyish tint to my prints,that i
> was not 
> getting in my darkroom class. 
> 1) Does this sound like it could be my problem.       
> 2) Will an amber bulb be better/ok.
Old bits of wisdom keep on being useful.... take a
sheet of photo paper expose it for a short while under
the enlarger, just a few seconds at a small aperture
will do. (This gets the paper "started") Then place an
opaque object on it (a credit card for instance) leave
it emulsion side up in your darkroom with the
safelight on for 10 mins, if your light is really safe
you should not see any significant image of the object
when you develop the sheet... This is useful for
checking if it really is DARK in there too, only leave
it for at least half an hour!... Yes you have to stay
in there with it, and you can't read a book, take a
tape recorder/minidisk with you and try composing a
love song for someone....(grin)..
Time for bed here in Devon, G'night folks.

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