On 24 May 2004 at 15:26, jtainter wrote:

> Thanks for the enlightening responses on my CA question.
> I have a follow-up. When someone says that a specific lens has CA problems on
> the *ist D, do they mean that it shows color fringing, or just overall 
> or both? (E.g., some posts have said that the FA* 24 has CA problems on the 
> D, but I haven't noticed it.) 

On the FA*24 The colours split towards the corners both softening and 
distorting the image. I'm sure it happens more at particular apertures but 
after some atrocious results I've pretty much packed it away. I suppose it's 
far better than most people generally experience given that the majority use 
zooms but relative to the 31LTD for instance it's poor. The 31mm in the same 
situation ie a panoramic shot in the scrub at wide aperture will render remote 
branches sharp and CA free right to the corners of the frame. I'll have to dig 
up some of my poor FA*24 shots as examples.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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