Ermm, give me a chance to get rid of some of the thirty thousand bags under me eyes first ok?!?

btw, Mr Cottrell, the photo that tom posted of that stuff that APPEARED to be mine? Well, UNDERNEATH it all, was a number of boxes (almost as many as mine!) that I noticed, were addressed to "Cotty" and "Steve Cottrell", so there!

I've been giving Tom and Ashlee a crash course on Australian lingo. They were particular taken when I referred to something as "Daggy" and tom is campaigning to use it as their new band name! lol.

I phoned home last night and found that ALL of my kids and my husband have been throwing up all over the place. I certainly got out of that one in good time! I do feel really guilty though, and my poor little angel keeps asking for mummy everytime she is sick. I think she thinks that I have just deserted her as she is too young to understand. :-(

So I had like 7 hours sleep last night (tom and Ash are still snoring), and I am now feeling SLIGHTLY human again (I am able to talk without slurring my speech now!), although, it looks as though I am going to have to spend a pretty large chunk of my spending money on a visit to a dentist! ugh!

We have a wedding on today, so I'll be able to see just how mr tv operates, and hopefully not embarrass myself too much!

btw, Cotty, when you arrive, you wait until you see these cool retro bus thingies that they shuttle you around in at the airport, very funny!

(who is staying BEHIND the lens until she looks a bit more like a PERSON and a bit less like a zombie).

Cotty writes:

Wasn't it in there ?


No no, I mean a pic of Tan arriving... or arrived. Or anything. One of
your infamous self-portrait + guest shots :-)


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