
JM> Jon is short for Jonathan.

Oh, now I see it. Well, I've just learned a bit <b>

JM> The 50mm is a very nice lens, sure is alot brighter
JM> than anything else I've used. However, it isn't the
JM> ideal lens for everything, which is why I was
JM> considering a 35-70 zoom in addition to the 50mm, not
JM> to replace it.

I see. Well, of course not. One focal length does not fit all. But I
thought you were after everyday carry around setup. Which in my case
is ME Super and M 50/1.4...

JM> Would I be better off getting an assortment of primes
JM> as opposed to 1 or 2 zooms? And which primes would be
JM> best?

Oh well, this is another eternal debate. I have 24, 35, three 50s, two
85 (both soft focus) and two 135 primes. And some other odd things
such as 2x Tele Converter and Macro Converter... I am satisfied. Your
choice is yours. But you would get answers to your questions - no
doubt <g>...

I do have one zoom lens - 70-210, but that's because I cannot afford
autofocus prime at 200. My another zoom, 28-135 is on semi-permanent

But as I said, this is my story. Yours would probably be different.

JM> I appreciate the heads-up about Fridays.

Is your credit card ready <g>?


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