Shooting in the cool of the evening recently with the
istD I changed from the 24-90FA to the 85mmFA* to keep
my shutter speed up.. (already at iso3200).
Disaster!... there was no indication of aperture...
and the lens refused to autofocus.. changing to the
50mm 1.7 allowed me to continue and indeed I have
taken around 50 more shots with the 50mm and the
24-90. Though both the 85mm and a recently acquired
24mmFA* refused to function.
 This morning the battery meter showed low for the
first time and autofocus failed with the 24-90.
Well, as you can probably guess, changing the
batteries has restored full function even with the
So it would seem that the mechanisms of the larger FA*
lenses require quite a bit more power than the lesser
optics to the point where they act as an early warning
of battery life...More glass, heavier gearing I guess.

OH and how many shots has my first set of batts given?
         A quick count of the saved files gives a
figure of around 770, not many with flash but the
fisrt 100 or so with an 340Mb microdrive, the rest
with Lexar 40x, and I do not use the review screen
that much. 
A set of lithiums costs around UK £15 so that's a bit 
less than 2pence (one centUS) a shot. 
Pressing the shutter on a *istD is a pretty cheap
thrill!!!    Tom A

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