I purchased the new scanner thru Ritz Camera on line, not a shop that I'd
even considered as an original choice.  However, the scanner was out of
stock almost everywhere, and the few places that claimed to have one in
stock either had poor reputations, high prices, or were offering grey

Ritz offered free shipping and no sales tax (a big concern for us
Californians - sales tax is pretty high around these parts) even if they
had a brick and mortar store in the state.  Their price was $599.00, higher
by about 10% than Amazon, for example, but lower than most shops when
considering tax and shipping.

It was a no nonsense transaction .... simple ordering, a quick
confirmation, and, surprisingly, a phone call a few hours later verifying
the shipping and billing address on the credit card.  Ritz sent emails at
every step of the way, as well, verifying receipt of the order, double
checking security issues, confirming shipment, and providing a tracking

So, check them out ... they get a good recommendation here.  My only
"kvetch" is that they seemed overly concerned with security, but, in
fairness, it should be noted that my billing and shipping address are
different (which, for some stores, means you don't get the item), and the
billing address is a PO Box (another red flag).  So, while it was a bit
annoying to receive all the emails and the phone call, it was also very
welcome in retrospect.

Shel Belinkoff

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