> Nobody is criticising the right to post pics - the criticism seems to 
> be of the person - Regan - the pics are of. And then the usual suspects 
> then criticise the critics for having an opimion they dont share.
> A.
> On 11 Jun 2004, at 05:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > OTOH, I feel it's perfectly appropriate for some mourning of a former
> > president. At least by those that admired him. I expect the same thing 
> > will happen
> > when Clinton dies. There will be detractors then as well, while others 
> > will
> > assess his record saying he was great.

In fact, Anthony is the only person who seems to think the pictures are "of" 
Reagan. They aren't. They are of the funeral of a former Head of State. Since 
in the USA, heads of state are elected, then it's a politician's funeral, but --
 if you can see the distinction -- he didn't get the state funeral because he 
was a politician, he got it because he was head of state.
Furthermore, it was a News Event. If you're interested in the event, or in 
seeing the particular photographer's work, you check out the pictures. If you 
aren't, you don't. But this thread didn't start out with any commentary about 
politics, it was about a listmember's pictures of a rare and newsworthy event. 


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