Again, you're a first, Jostein!
I've never heard of anyone NOT liking real maple syrup!
I grew up in one of the U.S.' most prolific states' producer of maple syrup (and other products...) -- Northern Ohio.
Thing is, not ALL maple syrup is made the same. Far from it...
If the only maple "syrup" anyone ever tasted was insufficiently boiled, it's got way too much water in it, and it needs more boiling.
Cheap "syrup" is left watery, as they can get just as much money for the adulterated syrup as they can for the well-rendered syrup, so why put the extra effort into it?
Making proper maple syrup takes time...

Keith Whaley
Knows his sugar maples!  <g>

Jostein wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Sorenson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The honey might have been good, but for a real taste treat, try it with
REAL, 100%  maple syrup


Pardon me, Paul....


Please don't take it personally.


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