Keith Whaley wrote:

Gary Sibio wrote:

At 01:41 PM 6/21/2004, you wrote:

That is great news! Now maybe space exploration and exploitation will replace government publicity programs. Nah! They will just regulate it to death.

While I believe that some government regulation will be necessary to ensure public safety, I'm all for shutting down NASA and let the private sector handle it. Our space program started off as a pissing contest with the USSR and the shuttle is twenty years old. How many of us drive a car anywhere near that old.

Neither do any of our cars cost in excess of $20,000,000.
Yes, let's DO be realistic...

Keith whaley

Yes, and 20 years is not too surprising for an airframe. I believe the f-14 first flew in 1970. As I recall, it is still doing quite nicely. Cars maintained to the standards applied to airframes would last a long, long time. Amazing how misinformation gets mixed in to support otherwise quite valid opinions. NASA does seem to be without a mission, but it would be most interesting to see watch the political antics associated with shutting it down. My guess is that the space station is not going to do well either.

However, the games played to avoid closing down military bases are nothing compared to what would be involved in shutting down major portions of NASA. I had a prof in college who often said that the major problem with creating major government agencies, programs, etc., is that never get shut down when the've completed thier mission. Seems like we have quite a few candidates for proving that one. Unfortunately, I can't remember which prof it was that said that, which may indicate that I'm coming up on the end of my "mission." Keep smiling

Otis Wright

The private sector has also benefitted from the space program so let them put their money up front.

Gary J Sibio

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