I did it once, unfortunately I had no choice. Since you do not want to mess with the pentaprism or screen (you can't anyway w/o the proper skill and insturments), the only thing you can do is to adjust the mirror rest arm underneatn the mirror (near the DOF preview arm). It was held by 2 cross point screws. The diffculty is to reach these screws w/o leaving any marks, and you need a long blade for the job (a short screwdriver will wear the slot due to the odd angle). Adjust the resting position of the mirror until the "middle" (using split image screen) reach just infinity with wide angle lenses like 24mm (telephoto lenses won't do due to the long travelling characteristic). However, there is nothing you can do about the top and bottom parts of the mirror. You can only hope everything will work out by itself (and should do unless the prism or screen were messed with).

Alan Chan

> Hi gang,
> My LX metering problems strangely resolved themselves (Maybe it was
> that good whacking I gave her the other day?)
> So now I'm wondering if another whack will fix the no-focus at
> Seriously, I seem to recall some discussion around these parts
> adjusting the mirror with no more than good advice and a #00
> head screwdriver. Any concurrence?

I fixed my own sticky mirror one time by removing the goo that the
stock bumper had turned into and replacing it with a small bit of
neoprene rubber from an old inner tube from my BMW motorcycle.
The focus adjust was kind of finicky, but certainly doable.
The trick is to make certain that the focus is the same at both the
top and bottom of the finder.
Once you are there, the bumper pretty much has to be in the right

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