I'm going to continue using my film cameras, although my volume has been reduced dramatically. I've gone from averaging one roll of 36 exposure film per day to about one roll per month. However, I'm now shooting about 50 digital frames every day.
On Jun 27, 2004, at 8:40 PM, graywolf wrote:

To me the craft of B&W photography in the darkroom is still an interesting and important part of the hobby.


mike wilson wrote:
Jens Bladt wrote:
It seems that some of you are still buying film gear. Are you camera
collectors or do you actually still use film (like me)?
I have been very close to selling all my 35mm film gear (Pentax bodies). I
wonder if I should keep it or sell. Is ait already to late to sell at
reasonable prices?
Mine is still in use and will be until it, film or I am unable to continue. I just like the process.

-- graywolf http://graywolfphoto.com/graywolf.html

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