> When I first got my istD I was very worried about the 3-5 hot pixels, some
> red, some purple, one blue, that tended to turn up in longish exposures.
> And the red pixel that showed up in 80% of my exposures at the same
> position.  Well, after about a month, I completely got over the hot-pixel
> phenomenon.  It's nothing to be worried about, and it's nothing that can
> done away with.  You know, I did the whole 15 second exposure deal with
> lens cap on in an unlit room, and yes there are hot pixels that show up in
> quantities similar to what you posted...  Thats also at 15 seconds and
> no subject matter, so I can only assume that it doesn't really apply to
> real world, unless taking pictures of black emptiness happens to be your
> game...

> Dust causes me more problems than hot pixels do, in fact, hot pixels are
> best kind of flaw, they're in the same place every time, so I know where
> look by now, and the color signature is usually very easy to pick out.
> if it's not very easy to pick out, well, then it must not be very easy to
> pick out, so why worry??
> -el gringo

Thanks for your response. The hot pixels at 1 second and longer exposures
don't bother me at all; they're to be expected. The hot pixels above 1/4 of
a second, the point at which noise reduction kicks in, bother me more; ie
when I'm seeing 10-15 hot pixels, many of them clustered together, at 1/90th
of a second. How often do YOU shoot at that speed?

My interest is both professional (my day job below, and the prior-mentioned
image sensor article I'm working on) and personal. And of course you've got
a valid point on hot pixels-vs-dust

This week I plan to run numbers on my Kodak DX6490 digital point-and-shoot
camera, and my wife's DX6340, too
Brian Dipert
Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Memory, Multimedia, PC Core Logic and
Peripherals, and Programmable Logic
EDN Magazine: http://www.edn.com
5000 V Street
Sacramento, CA   95817
(916) 454-5242 (voice), (617) 558-4470 (fax)
Visit me at http://www.bdipert.com

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