Bill wrote:Hate to bring up the old film vs digital debate again, but...

There are those of here who are perfectly satisfied with digital, and others

who are perfectly satisfied with film.  It's doubtful that any of us will be

swayed from our current positions regardless of chemistry vs. physics  or

any other pointless arguments one way or another.

Bill's certainly right here but I would like to add one more thing. Those 
digital users who keep predicting the end of film should really think it through 
a little more and get off the bandwagon for a moment. I don't shoot as much as 
I used to and although I keep telling myself I should get an istD I really 
don't need it. If I shot professionally, or even burned a lot of film for the 
fun of it, going digital might make more sense. I am perfectly happy shooting 
film and using my slide scanner and flatbed scanner to convert my images into 
digital. I can use my old lenses and they still deliver top-notch quality. I 
believe film gives ME the best of both worlds. 
A friend of mine who is a more serious shooter does not want to go digital 
because he does not want the learning curve that goes with it. He wants to focus 
on photography instead of computer software. When he wants a digital image he 
gives it to me and I scan it and he's got digital. 
Not everybody wants to go competely digital. And until everyone wants to deal 
with the whole digital issue, film will continue to be an option.

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