Kismet! I love that word!  I have this list of words that I just love.  You
know words that just sound so cool when you say them?  Some of my favourites
are: epiphany, azure, charisma, procrastinate, salubrious, titillate,
sensuality, epitome, elusive, insipid, whimsical, effervescent, meandering.

Those are just off the top of my head, I have heaps more too.  Feel free to
add to the list!

And no, there are no Freudian connotations to any of their meanings, ok?!?!

Sorry, this is sooooooo off topic, just feeling a tad chatty this morning...



-----Original Message-----
From: Peter J. Alling [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, 23 July 2004 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: not particularly Re: Digital vs Film

For the shear kismet.

William Robb wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Jostein"
>Subject: Re: not particularly Re: Digital vs Film
>>It's like having you brain smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped
>>round a Canon D60...:-)
>Why would anyone wrap a lemon around a lemon?
>William Robb

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