Yesterday was my town's annual festival, Poolesville Day. Inspired by Alan 
Chan's virtuosity with his Pentax SMC 15/3.5K, I decided to shoot the day's 
events using nothing but a fisheye. Hey--if Henri Cartier Bresson shot the 
world with only (or mostly) a 50...

Bad idea. Few scenes looked interesting from a fisheye perspective.

Scenes that benefited from a fisheye: The circular town center; an historic old 
house with an American flag draped over the porch; wagons full of kids waiting 
for the parade to begin; the library's book-sale tables and book-sale room.

Scenes that didn't benefit from a fisheye: Everything else I saw, including the 
parade itself, crowd scenes, and vendor booths.

Well, in a week or so I'll receive my Vivitar Series One 24-48/3.8K from Foro-
Schneider of Austria. That promises to be a decent festival lens.

Paul Stregevsky

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