Shel has said that he does not fully wind but uses a series of short strokes. I think this causes the inaccuracies. Yes, the camera 'should' be able to accomodate nonstandard usage, but it seems not to.

stan (from beautiful cloudy rainy cold Vilnius)

On Sep 22, 2004, at 10:45 AM, mike.wilson wrote:


Andre wrote:

I'm back from Mongolia and looking at my unmounted slides and there is a lot of irregular frame spacing. As the photos were taken with an LX I understand this is not normal as the LX is supposed to be able to register precisely the frames (so that, for example, you can go back to a previous shot and take another exposure). Is this an easy problem to fix?

My LX was serviced by Pentax UK last year. It was brought to "new standard condition" on all functional assemblies.

With the winder attached, I get irregular spacing. Without winder, it does not seem to happen. The winder was not serviced. It seems that the _real_ problem is that the LX will _allow_ irregular spacing if, for example, the winder is not functioning correctly or the user is not winding fully. I would check my technique first and then, if irregular winding is confirmed, get it serviced.



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