No, in theory bumblebees can fly fine. The engineers just did not understand some things that bumblebees did 50 years ago. Like the fuzziness broke up the laminar airflow and reduced drag exponentially.

You ought to check out those hoary old cliches before using them, we actually know a bit more now than they did when they were first used.



William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Caveman"
Subject: Re: OT - An interesting fake?

Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Theory may be fine, but
practical experience is paramount.

Cut the crap, Shel. This sounds sooo Rubensteinian. Theory comes


practice too.

In theory, bumblebees cannot fly. Apparently, they have all the
aerodynamics of a Yugo.
Bumblebees don't give a damn about theory, they just know they have a
job to do, and that flower isn't getting any closer to the ground.

William Robb

-- graywolf

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