I just did a little research (very little actually). The current fastest supercomputer is made by IBM and just beat out NEC at 36.1 Tera-FLOPS (trillion floating point opreations per second). Next year they will be delivering one with almost 10 times that power. Even a little 1 cabinet Cray XD1 does 5 G-FLOPS (billion flops) and will only set you back $100K or so.

Tell me again how secure your cipher is from brut force decryption (grin). Next year's IBM should be able to do that 2048 bit jobby in one year all by its lonesome.

BTW the IBM uses AMD processors and most likely runs Linux. I find it amazing that current state of the art supercomputers are just like our desktops only they have a few more proccessors (16000 or so).


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