DJE wrote:
"I appear to have a lemon. My Super Takumar 35/3.5, s/n 4137xxx, tests as
the worst 35mm prime I own in terms of sharpness and contrast.  It appears
to be undamaged physically and optically and to focus correctly."

Recently I bought a Vivitar Series One 24-48/3.8PK zoom, legendary for its 
sharpness. The glass is clean front and back. Well, my first roll (shot at 
f/5.6) was a disappointment; the focusing looked "off" from front to back.
All frames had been shot with flash at 1/125 second, so I ruled out camera

The I did the bright light test and saw a haze (fungus?) across the entire 
surface of at least one inner lens. 

I've sold the lens to a PDMLer who is willing to have it cleaned.

Paul Stregevsky

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