The Fuji Frontier 375 that we use has a setting for both color and B&W film (C41 that is) If we forget to change the film type from color to B&W, we end up with prints with a blue tint. If we use the proper setting, prints are actually, really, surprisingly, real B&W.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Don Sanderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:19 AM
Subject: C-41 Process Black and White

To those BW purists out there, the PX, TX, TM folks:
(You KNOW who you are!)  ;-)
Is the C41 BW film even worth a try?
I understand a mini lab will probably give me off color prints.
How does it behave when printing  yourself, or at a good lab?
Is the tonality and sharpness any good?
Any special tricks? (Over/Under expose, filters, etc.)


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