--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
>  Well here they are. I had 10 people respond, which
> is what we had in our last Municipal
> Election, LOL, 
> but hopefully this will be helpful.
> I was hoping to here from more people who had
> complains about the camera,but they did not
> want to 
> play I suppose.:-)

Well, I was going to answer. I even had the e-mail
tagged in my folder to remind me to reply.

I'll give you a few answers now instead :-)

> 1-Why did you buy a Pentax *istD.
I wanted something light to carry around and I already
had loads of lovely lenses

> 2-Have you previously owned other digital cameras,
> either P&S or DSLR 

Yes, both Canon :-o
> 2A-Did you try or purchase other brands of DSLRS
> prior to or since buying the *istD 

10D. I only bought it because there was nothing
available from Pentax at the time I wanted it.

> 3-Did you compare printed quality of the  D to
> scanned images before and or after the
> purchase..

No because I don't have much patience with scanning

> 4-What problems have you had with the D. Was service
> satisfactory.(asking this to see if
> the camera 
> has constant faults of one nature or another)

No problems but the little flat battery went dead
about 4 weeks after I got it and it arrived with dust
spots on the sensor

> 5-What do you like about the images printed from the
> camera.

> 6-What DON’T you like about the images printed from
> the camera.

> 7-What lenses, Pentax or other, do you find work
> well with your camera/shooting
> style.(sharpness etc)
77 ltd is a beauty

> 7a- What lenses, Pentax or other, do you find DO NOT
> work well with your camera/shooting
> style.
> (sharpness etc)

Sigma 70-300 APO Macro Super. Awful!

> 8-Has digital taken the place of 35mm film shooting
> for you


> 9-Do you still shoot film, if so what format(s)

I took the MZ-S out the other week with some Velvia.
It's such a nice camera it's a shame not to use it
Still have the 67 but haven't used that in ages
> 10-How do you post process.(PS, Corel etc)

PS-CS & BreezeBrowser
> 11-Do you shoot RAW or JPEG or what is needed for
> the job at hand.

Mostly jpeg for events, raw other times

> 11a-How big have you printed with quality you are
> happy with.


> 12-How do you rate flash shooting.

Try to avoid it but will use for fill

> 13-If a Pentax rep stopped by your house, what would
> you like to tell him/her to fix or
> change or add..

Make the RAW files a bit smaller!

> 14-What do you use the D for mostly ie: Portraits,
> sports, weddings etc.

Snapshots ;-)


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