Ever since there was an issue with Yahoo taking images and/or designs off of
peoples freebie web sites, which if you read the fine print was legal for
them to do, I have been nervous about posting on any web space other then my
own.  That doesn't mean folks can't still attempt to steal my images, but at
least I haven't given up my legal rights in any way.  All these networks
being discussed, do they guarantee the owner they won't sell them to someone
else without you getting credit?

I realize these sites give you more exposure then I'm going to get on
private web space, but it would really piss me off if I found my work used
commercially without my being credited, royalty etc.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Brigham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 10:14 AM
> Subject: RE: Photo.net Changes the Rules and a Question
> I think Photosig is pretty good.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank theriault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 16 November 2004 15:10
> To: PDML
> Subject: Photo.net Changes the Rules and a Question
> Again, Photo.net pisses me off.
> Under the "old" rules, a non-member (in other words, someone who
> doesn't want to pay an annual fee, like me), one could post up to 99
> photos in their gallery.  If one went over that amount, the post would
> still go through, but any of your photos could be arbitrarily deleted
> without notice, to get your number down to 99.
> Fair enough.
> Yesterday, when I posted my most recent PAW (which only Cotty liked
> <g>), a big red notice is on my screen that I'm over my limit of ~47~
> photos.
> Huh?
> Well, it seems that "guests" (which is what they now call me, since I
> won't pay) now have a limit of 5 photos, plus "extras".  The number of
> extras one is allowed is determined by some arcane and undisclosed
> formula that has to do with how many viewings one's photos have had,
> along with how many photos one has posted.  The number of extras can
> fluctuate without notice.
> Okay, I know, I know, I'm a cheapskate looking for freebies, and I
> have no right to complain, right?
> Wrong!
> Seems to me that changing the rules mid-stream, without notice, is
> entirely unfair.  At least they could have a Sunset or Grandfather
> Clause (or whatever they call them) wherein the new rules only apply
> to new members (sorry, "guests"), and anyone who's been around for a
> while still has the same old guidelines applied to them.
> So, again, I'm looking for a new place to put photos.  My searches in
> the past didn't prove fruitful, because anyone who wanted to view at
> those places had to sign in (don't like that).  I see Boris is using
> Web Aperture, but folks don't like the resized window.
> Who's Amita with?  Mug-something-or-other?  Anyone have any thoughts
> on that place?  Is it free?  I really don't want to have to pay for
> this - having to put up with ads, and having my name and info go into
> a databank to be used for who knows what is about all I'm the payment
> I'm willing to make.
> Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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