We'll have to start a "most hated" club :-)

If you could see how my A* 85 1.4 looks after 15 years of hard use I'd be 
president of that club (the glass is fine, I had a CLA and check a couple of 
years ago).  

> fra: Frank Wajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Mishka,
> you'll hate me even more, I found one for EUR 295, :-)))))))))))))))
> This lens is really difficult to find, and I couldn't believe it when I saw 
> one for sale, grabbed it immediately of course, and I'll never ever let go.
> Frank
> >i hate you too.
> > mishka
> On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 21:05:52 +0100, DagT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The A*135 1.8 is even larger, but I couldnīt resist at the price of NOK
> > 3500 (a little more than US $500).

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