I'm a little out of my element here, but...
With a scene of black folk, do you think it's good to add black to black, just to get some deeper shadows, more contrast?
It seems to be a touchy situation, and much manipulation of the black/white mix of shades might lose the gentle contrast of the picture very quickly.
But, I don't really know that. Just a guess...

keith whaley

P.S. & BTW, I like the shot. Don't know if *I* would have taken that shot back in '69... <g>


Hi Shel,
It's looking quite good, but it lacks any strong blacks (at least on my
monitor). However, I don't think it would benefit from more contrast as
the highlights are about right. I'd go into curves and pull the bottom end
until the blacks are stronger. I might also try converting to rgb and going
to selective color to add black to the blacks.

This is a very early photo. I don't think I had my camera more than six or
eight months. My girlfriend (a Nikon shooter for those who care) and I
would wander around The City looking for interesting situations. One day
we came across a group of about seven or eight guys hanging out on a street
corner in what is known as the "South of Market" area.

This pic was a mess.  The negative is badly scratched and gauged, lots of
dust is imbedded in the emulsion, the exposure in contrasty and difficult
light was atrocious (I didn't know proper exposure techniques then and the
Spotmatic's meter was off), and I wasn't even holding the camera straight
or paying attention to the framing.  I began work on this project more to
learn and become proficient with Photoshop techniques than anything else,
and the work is still in progress.  There's lots more restoration work to
be done, but it doesn't look too bad when reduced in size for a web

Here are a few of the guys who were hangin' out that afternoon.



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