>>Shel Belinkoff> Use the 400mm lens on a tripod and you'll be fine ...
>>Shel Belinkoff> you have to testify in court.  Then use a 9mm.
>I'm really hoping to use these as "here are the people you want to
>investigate if you decide to follow through" information for the
>police, and had not thought about the possibility of my photos
>being used in court.  Hmm.  Bleah.

        I work near one such place myself.  I even spot the occasional deal going
down on my way to/from work.  Some even are done literally within sight of a
community police station (although most are done 30ft. (10m) further down
the street).  The police know this is a hotbed and come through several
times a day to show a presence.  Chances are, they even recogonize faces of
the homeless and others that hang out here a lot.  If they've been working
on any sting operations that hit the area, they probably even know which of
those faces are the baddies that deal the drugs.  So, chances are, your
police probably already know who to investigate and where to set up a sting
operation.  It doesn't hurt to ask though as things do change, and they
sound like they recently changed in your area.
        However, if I were you, I'd think twice about being involved with anything
that directly gets those people arrested.  Some may not be beyond trying to
"fix" the problem person in a direct manner.  A better solution might be to
organize your neighbors, who no doubt don't appreciate the goings on either.

>have left me feeling that it's gone down a couple notches and
>is no longer a place I can try to reassure my friends about when
>they think about coming to visit.
>Not sure I could get police into my house without the neighbours
>noticing and figuring something's up, but I'm sure they've got
>their own ways of investigating local goings-on.

        If the neighbors are part of the problem, then it's probably time to move.
Otherwise, the owner of the property may well elect to invite them in to set
up an observation operation (then again, seeing as may make them a target
once the police leave, perhaps not).

>I don't think I have the guts to
>publish 'em while the subjects are still active though.

        Do you mean actively dealing in your neighborhood, actively dealing
anywhere, or active as in still animate?

>Folks do know I have a camera, so if photos suddenly started showing
>up in random places, they'd probably figure out who took them.
>(I'm hoping I can trust the police not to make my life more interesting
>than it has to be by letting the wrong people know about the photos.)

        Personally, I wouldn't trust the police to protect me in that way, but to
each their own.  BTW, it will only take one bright person with one photo to
stand around and figure approximately which window of which building it was
taken from.  I do this sort of thing for amusement and educational value
with other people's pictures of local landmarks.

>Buyers I'd considered, but I hadn't thought that burglars might
>also be dealers.  Hmm.

        Dealer as burglers?  I hadn't though of either.  Seems like it would be
much too easy for them to mention to a customer where a nice camera setup
they would like to have one just like can be found.  People who buy large
quantities of drugs for their own use seem to be perpetually in need of
money for some odd reason.

>Of course, according to my friend who owns this house, the only
>way to get the city to do something is to get the _Baltimore_Sun_
>to write an article about it first, but I'm hoping this recent
>"West Side Initiative" will work in my favour.

        Have you tried the Sun?  Maybe they are interested in a photo essay or some
editorial shots to go with stories about the West Side Initiative?

stay safe,

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