He calls the Digital Rebal and D70 Generaly Superior, by what criteria? Not by specifications they're not
and in practice the Digital Rebal has nearly the worst viewfinder I've ever seen on a camera, (so a bit
of hyperbole there, not nearly as bad as Rockwell).

Maybe my experience is limited but I've only been using cameras for 30+ years and I've handled
and used some classic rf and SLR cameras. I have to admit that I've not even picked up a D70 but
then I've said nothing bad about it. There enough untruth for you.

If you're in love with him, your welcome to read his site. I for one wouldn't trust a word he said.

I'll say nothing more on the matter.

Jamie Walling wrote:

I think you saying his site is 90% crap is indeed your
opinion and fine and dandy.

To say someone you do not know is dishonest and a
mindless twit while also your opinion is ignorant.

You say his review is dishonest.. but he even says in
his own review that "I haven't seen one yet."  Seems
pretty honest to me.  You are calling his review
dishonest only on the basis that he calls it a review,
but you have yet to point out one point in the article
itself that is not true.

--- "Peter J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

His site shows up in search engines as test reviews.
That's dishonest. I'm expressing my opinion. His site is 90% crap. Get over it.

Jamie Walling wrote:

It's amazing you call him dishonest for expressing


opinion. Please search his article and find one
factual error. And I mean a factual error, and not


point where you disagree with his opinion.

His site is opinion, it is editorial.  Get over it.

And I do read leica lists all the time because I


Leica's but try posting anything anti-leica.

--- "Peter J. Alling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jamie Walling wrote:

WOW. It's amazing how defensive this list gets.

For a

moment i almost thought I was on a Leica list.

You obviously don't hang out on the Leica list


It's also amazing how much people here slam Ken
Rockwell about not including facts, and then they

We're not an authority publishing a supposedly


on review. He reviewed a camera
apparently a number of cameras authoritatively
without ever having seen them. That's like
doing anatomical drawings of an elephant after
hearing rumors of such a beast. Totally

themselves do not tell the facts. Some general


on Ken's site and this review in general (BTW ...



not know him at all, but have read his site for


since I used to use Nikon MF and he has one of


better lens sections on the web)

For Nikon maybe. If he wrote a glowing review of


Nikon product, would I
believe that either.  Probably not.

He wrote this review BEFORE anyone had access to


istDs. It is a preview, not a review. He even


his opinion might change if he uses one.

He slammed it in a preview. He slammed Canon
cameras in previews. _I don't care._
The most you can do in a preview is list features
and give a first impression. He went
a lot farther than that and regularly does so. It
wasn't billed as a preview by the way,
he bills it as a test review, and I quote:

"**Pentax *ist DS *istDS Test Review"**

He should get a new headline writer.
Disclaimers on another page don't cut it either.

By the way he now has a disclaimer on the main


for this "review" due to the "hate" mail
he's received. It wasn't there before.

His site is an opinion site, and he goes out of


way to make that perfectly clear. He also makes


perfectly clear what he is looking for in a



that he is ONLY judging cameras based on what he


looking for in a camera...

Yes it is an opinion site. That becomes obvious
when you read it.

If you read his pages... based on what he is


for, the Pentax istDs does not cut it.

That's not his recommendation. He doesn't


it just for himself, he dismisses it for everyone. Even if they are just starting out and don't have


large investment in other manufactures lenses. Even if I didn't own a bunch of Pentax lenses the
*ist-Ds would be viable competition for the
Rebel-D and the D70 which don't really cut it by


criteria either. (Ok, the Nikon cut it because
it says Nikon on the prism housing, but then he


to ignore a lot of other things).

FYI .. he gave the istD a favorable review when



introduced, and personally uses Pentax spot


Hard to say he is anti pentax.

I don't think anyone said he was anti Pentax. I
believe the consensus was that he was
in my words an opinionated idiot, but I'm just


judgmental, kind of like he is.

Jamie Walling

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I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the
sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually
frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

Jamie Walling

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I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the
sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually
frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

Jamie Walling

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I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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