Royal Gold 25 was another pretty nice Kodak emulsion, too.
Some claimed it was the consumer version of the Pro Ektar 25.
It's been discontinued for around five years, though.

Guess what I'm planning to put in my MZ-S for our field trip :-)

Bruce Dayton mused:
> That has got to be one of the saddest things about the film issue -
> discontinuing such great films like that.  Almost like Kodak wanted to
> dig an early grave.
> Bruce
> Monday, February 7, 2005, 11:35:13 PM, you wrote:
> SB> Dug out some old negs t'nite and found a few rolls that had been shot 
> using
> SB> Kodak's Extar 25.  My, oh my, what a nice film.
> SB> Shel 

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