On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 20:57:38 -0800, Bruce Dayton
> Where I live (Sacramento, California), we don't get beautiful snowy
> winters - mostly just fog and rain.  But sometimes, the clouds and sun
> work together to provide some really nice sunsets.
> I was playing baseball with my son as the son was starting to go down.
> I ran in the house and got the camera and two lenses.  This shot was
> taken with the *istD and Tokina ATX 400/5.6 AF handheld - working on
> those techniques that "Steady Stenquist" shared with us.
> http://www.daytonphoto.com/PAW/bkd_1130.htm
> ISO 400, 1/1500 @ f9.5 - Converted in C1 to Tiff and sized/sharpened
> for web.

Very cool!

Love the way the trail bisects the frame, the lovely muted sky
colours, the silhouette of the bush with the berries.  Nice

What's not to like?  <g>  Very well done.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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