I apologize Marnie for digging up dead old threads on you. :(

I found the thread a fascinating read and your point of view was the most fascinating of all. It just took me a long time to get on the top of my to do list. Now its taken a whole life of its own again. Including an excursion into the antics of a couple of drunk pdml teens. <vbg>

OK.  Back to photography.  Esp all things Pentax.  ;)


In a message dated 2/8/2005 2:54:08 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: Dogmatism: what is allowed?

7.) I don't debate (at least anymore and at least not on the Net). I've been
involved in too many knock down and drag out usenet/list -- mainly usenet -- "conversations" to find it amusing or entertaining anymore. I also think debate
about religion/politics/belief systems to be fairly pointless.

HTH!, Marnie aka Doe

If you are not willing to debate it, you should probably keep it to yourself.

Exclamation point!
What an avant-garde position, William!
Most folks whose positions are cast in concrete are more than willing to debate (aka proselytize.)

William Robb

My belief system is more grey than most people's b&w. It's extremely flexible. And that is my business.

Okay, I am totally pissed, though probably I shouldn't be.

I am dyslexic and having a written debate where I can truly express myself well, on the Internet, is simply beyond my linguistic skills. I have found this out in the past, and I refuse to indulge someone else's need to bash my logic anymore. Not in a written form where I have to strain and strain and never nail down what I really want to say.

In person, where I am not required to WRITE, then I do much better.

rg dug an old thread and threw it back at me -- I felt I was being semi-polite in responding at all.

Make that of that what you will.

Marnie aka Doe :-(

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