On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 18:48:27 -0500, frank theriault
> This poor kid could hardly keep his eyes open.  <vbg>
> Taken with the LX at waist level ("I'm not taking a photo, I'm just
> fixing something on the camera, just ignore me, I'm not doing
> anything, dum de dum...") with the K 1.2 50 at about f2.0, auto
> exposure:
> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3125114&size=lg
> Let me know what you think.  Thanks to all who look and/or comment.
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

I've not received a single response to this post, but I see from the
archives that at least 5 have responded.

I can't respond to individual posts, but thanks Juan, Norm, Mark,
David and Brian, for looking and commenting.  And thanks to anyone
whose post didn't make the archives.

Sorry about the sharpness issues.  I'll try to shake the camera a bit
more next time...  <vbg>

BTW, I think a couple of you asked about the LX and it's noise:  I
don't think they heard anything, as the train was pretty loud.  They
never even looked over.  I have no idea what they were looking at, but
it looks like they're both looking in the same direction.  We were
just pulling into a station (snapping while the station was whizzing
by through the window was a conscious decision on my part - I wanted
~something~ to be blurry... <VBG>), so maybe something attracted their

Anyway, thanks again for your comments.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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