the *istDS uses SD cards. that means a complete set of incompatible media across the two cameras. since the *istD has probably been discontinued, if you need one, you have to either act quickly or wait for months for whatever replaces it. i expect something to be announced at PMA. what it will be, i haven't a clue. apparently Pentax Japan has been talking to analysts and saying that there will be at least one major DSLR announcement this year. if announced at PMA, then when one can obtain it is another question. we'll know by the end of next week.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve and Tanya" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: IstD vs IstDS

I'm in need for a second body guys and didn't really take much notice when
the IstDS was released - can someone give me a quick run down and some views
as to whether it would be a suitable backup for my Ist D or should I just
buy a second IstD?

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