Tonghang Zhou writes:
> Surely if you are using Pentax lenses, which are what really matters,
> then it should be OK?
> On Mon, 21 May 2001, Conrad Samuels wrote:
> > What is the feeling about my using these cameras with Pentax
> > lenses (they are M42 mount cameras) when submitting pictures to
> > the PUG?  I know that in open months concessions are made but
> > the rules seem a trifle ambiguous when discussing Pentax
> > equipment or lenses (quote) for the other months.

        Perhaps things got more restrictive in the last year while I was absent
from the list, but the rule used to be that it was a gallery for PDML
members who were using Pentax-brand (or compatible) equipment.  I noticed
the (new to me) official Pentax-equipment restriction when I submitted my
June submission.  Since even Pentax-brand equipment is not all Pentax design
and manufacture, I assumed the restriction could legitimately be interpreted
to mean Pentax-mount (or, perhaps more general, Pentax-compatible)
equipment.  That would allow me and others to mix and match whatever
equipment they have to take pictures without having to worry about whether
or not they got a piece of Pentax-brand equipment somewhere in the mix to
satisfy PUG submission.  After all, I prefer to see the gallary as primarily
a way to share images taken by the members, and also as a mild demonstration
of what kinds of images can be captured with Pentax and Pentax-compatible
equipment, not as having evolved into some sort of elitist club.
        Is this an unreasonable interpretation?  If so, then we should probably nix
use of any Pentax-OEM'd equipment too since that stuff won't be a show of
what can be accomplished using Pentax-engineered equipment either.


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