Sure they do, but I think they're headquartered in Atlanta, and they used up all their remote budgets on the last couple of blizzards and last years Hurricanes.

Graywolf wrote:

Yep I made it and they were there. Funny thing is the weather channel is still predicting 1-3 inches accumulation. I wonder if those guys ever go outdoors at all?

Aside to Mark Roberts: This stuff is headed your way, enjoy (grin).

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"


From: Graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Seems like winter is still here. There is 12" of snow on my truck and it is still falling. That is after 3 weeks of Chinook like weather. I have a doctor's appointment. I hope they will be there.

We had the ubiquitous "1/2inch of snow and everything grinds to a halt" syndrome last Monday. Foolishly, I went into town (I was on a course and not at my normal place of wrok) by bus rather than leave my bike to the tender mercies of some of the scum that inhabit our inner cities. Took just under three hours to cover about 7miles. Still beat the lecturer. If it had not been highway (!) I would have got off and walked. Would have been safe to anyway as the fastest the traffic was managing was sub-walking speed but I am sure the driver would have argued.

Funniest sight: car in the opposite lane with its front wheels against the slope of a traffic calming hump. Every time the driver started to move off, the wheels just went round and round with no forward progression. The driver's answer being, of course, to press harder on the accelerator. Maybe I _was_ better off on the bus.

Hope you make it, Tom, and I also hope they are there for you.


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I can understand why mankind hasn't given up war. During a war you get to drive tanks through the sides of buildings and shoot foreigners - two things that are usually frowned on during peacetime.
--P.J. O'Rourke

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