
Monday, February 28, 2005, 6:44:55 PM, Jostein wrote:

> In the early hours of Sunday, my family and I returned from a one week
> vacation in Israel.
> The link below is to six images, one for each of the full days we 
> spent there.

> http://www.oksne.net/paw/israel/index.html

Very interesting. I particularly like the way you continue the line of
Roman columns with the industrial chimneys - nicely spotted.

Your daughter deserves her painted glass windows. Our old houses here
are full of them, but it is quite easy to learn.

The arch of that window may be due to the Crusaders. But the idea of
pointed arches was around in the Islamic world before it came into
European Gothic. So perhaps it was originally an Islamic building, as
it looks to be now. It is certainly not Roman.


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