RW> Would I be better off (1) using 800-speed film and
RW> underexposing it by a stop; (2) using 800-speed film
RW> and asking the lab to push it; or (3) using 1600 speed
RW> film?

Both Superia 800 and 1600 do fine. Better yet (marginally) are Press
800 and 1600. All by Fuji. Grain? What size of prints are going to
make? I did 30x45cm exhibition prints without objectionable grain many

As always with negatives, don't underxpose. Err on the side of over.
Bring a monopod.

Pushing C41 doesn't work, as William noted. But still, in my
experience pushed C41 (although not increasing the shadows) was
easier to print than simply underexposed and not pushed. It
doesn't increase speed though!

And if you miss digital, digital has as much blue noise under tungsten
lighting as the worst film, IF you whitebalance it so it looks like
daylight. Heavy postpro is required for noise reduction. For best
results with digital, I think classic CC filters are needed. remember,
tungsten light is very defficient in blue.

Good light!

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