I'll second that, Fred. I bought the Pentax-A 35-70 f4 for use on my LX, and it is a really nice piece of workmanship, although a bit heavy (balances fine though). Takes sharp photos and the macro is pretty good too - I think it goes down almost to 2:1.

Regards, Jim (Newbie here; been lurking for a while, though.)

On Mar 7, 2005, at 2:59 PM, Fred wrote:

it's quite compact / light and SMC Pentax lens after all, not some Sigma
or Tokina, right?

I'm not familiar with that particular Pentax zoom, Margus, but your "not
some Sigma or Tokina" comment got my attention - there ~are~ some good
Tokina zooms, you know - <g> - (in the "normal range" zoom, the ATX 35-70/2.8
comes to mind, for example).

If the A 35-80/4-5.6 doesn't work out for you, you might keep your eyes
open for an A 35-70/4, which is also a neat (and compact) "normal range"
zoom, too, with a very good macro function.


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